In fact, timeliness, automaticity and validity exists in the process when doer carries out abandoning repeated injurious act, which should be characterized as crime termination. “放弃重复侵害行为”在理论上和实践中争议颇多,有未遂说、中止说和折中说。
As for the former, the rule of joint injurious act applies to distribute the liability for infringement of rights, with which the person of civil law are charged. 分布式系统中的电磁兼容设计对于前者,得适用共同侵权责任规则配置当事人应承担的责任;
From certain meaning, liability insurance does not alter the punitive function and restrain injurious act function of tort law. 从某种意义上说,责任保险并没有改变侵权行为法的惩罚功能和对加害行为的抑制功能。
The existence of liability insurance engenders some impact on the punitive function and restrain injurious act function of tort law, but this influence is not absolute. 责任保险对侵权行为法的惩罚功能和抑制加害行为的功能产生了一定的冲击,但这种影响并不是绝对的。
Non-individual tort without idea connection includes both joint injurious act with direct connection and tort with indirect-connection of "several causes and one effect". 不存在意思联络的数人侵权既包括直接结合的共同侵权行为,又包括间接结合的“多因-果”的侵权行为。
Under the promotion of the litigant need, the maritime obligatory order and stopping an injurious act before action have been established respectively in the maritime domain and the territory of intellectual property, which are the earliest experiment of preservation of act in our county. 在诉讼需要的推动下,我国海事领域、知识产权领域建立了海事强制令和诉前停止侵权行为制度,开始了我国行为保全的率先试验。
Abandoning the repeated injurious act is fully consistent with the features of desistance of crime. 放弃能够重复实施的侵害行为完全符合犯罪中止的特征。
Fourth part: injurious act to the dead body and the right use of the dead body. 第四部分:侵害尸体及合法利用的行为。
Among of them injurious act is the prerequisite of environmental tort. 其中行为的违法性(侵害行为)是构成环境侵权的前提,因为合法行为不能引起民事责任的产生。
Principle of liability without fault has special stipulations on the applicable objects; it does not take the faults of the person causing the injury into consideration. Tortious act has the characteristics of the injurious act, damage and the causal relationship between them. 无过错责任原则具有适用对象特别规定,不考虑加害人的过错,侵权行为由侵害行为、损害及二者之间的因果关系构成的特征。